Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Red Adult Diaper Generation


You see them out there. They live in a few big cities in places like Illinois, New York and California and in terminally quaint university town scattered around the country. They are bitter that their cherished theories and the revolutions they espoused have failed miserably. They lack all animal spirit and take civilian government, academic, or non- profit jobs, that have been safe and secure up to now. They are bitter that their hopes and dreams of a bright blue future are sinking in an ocean of red ink. They are very bitter so they cling to their electric cars, iPhones, and windmills. They are bitter and venomous so they cling to their religion and its prophets Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Said, Foucault and Mao. They are the progressive post modernist full of hate for anyone that disagrees with them. That’s why they label anything that disagrees with or criticizes their worldview as hate speech which should be silenced. They are the red adult diaper generation, soon to be senile, but they have groomed many of the young to take their places.

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